Rejoice! Rejoice!
We Have
 A Choice To Carry On!

Welcome To David



The Writings Of David Hakim

To overcome resistance to being involved in action, I set forth the techniques of “Spiritual Cleansing,” “Universal Cleansing” and “Spiritual Growth Meditation” (also listed separately on this website. 

All Are My Brothers 
An unknown author writes about a high school genius, who because he was victimized by other students, had planned to commit suicide but did not because of meeting his new friend.

"I believe that because I try to be positive and grateful, events in my life are more serendipitous with positive outcomes more easily occurring than fortuitous where things just happen."

(The) Aloha Spirit
The "Aloha Spirit" is the friendly acceptance and blessing of mankind; contains definitions of types of blessings.  Publicized by The Aloha Project

(To Be) At Peace With Myself
“To be at peace with myself” is the lifetime thrust disclosed to me in a spiritual profile administered by Nancy Seibert of the Americana Leadership College (  It was given to me years ago, but it immediately made an impression on my soul.  I use Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet (Alfred A. Knopf, 127th printing, July, 1995) to explain what it means.

The "Ave Maria"
As a celebration of motherhood, I created a spiritual message for all women.

Awareness Of God
God is present both here and hereafter.  Stories of others are included which illustrate that we are part of God wherever we are and are always open to His love.  We can exhibit this love universally. 

(The) Awesome Sage 
This link mentions writings, most of which are already included in this website.

Balance - By Dr. Sandra Adler
I got so many insights and experiences about BALANCE last month.  From the time I first heard the ‘Man and the Universe’ Orientation Lecture in 1976 until now I knew that part of my purpose here was to have patience to find BALANCE between my feelings and the intellect.

Basics - By Dr. Sandra Adler
Dr. Sandra Adler: "In 1976 I attended an Inner Peace Movement ( orientation lecture in Detroit. I heard the big picture of who I was, where I came from, where I was going and why I am here. These basic facts were so simple and inspiring to me that I continued searching for answers and my thirst has not been quenched…."

(The) Bearable Lightness Of Being
"To me 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being' means that some of us find it difficult to maintain a positive outlook on life. They find it hard to acknowledge that life should continue smoothly. They say to themselves, 'This cannot last.' Subconsciously they believe they do not deserve happiness."  In this link I set forth many techniques written in other links in this website to assist in overcoming this despondency.

Behavioral Modification (An Open Letter To The President Of The USA
A youth who kills his mother caused me such grief that I felt that I had to write an open letter to President George W. Bush and others explaining behavioral modification as shown in the movie, “Clockwork Orange.” 

Bias Hate Crimes
[I received a letter, included in this link, from President Bill Clinton]
"An older generation member of a family comments negatively upon another ethnic, racial or religious group. He typically alleges that the group is somehow interfering with the acquisition of economic security or power, and implies that the ethnic, racial or religious group is somehow interfering with the acquisition of economic security or power by the commentator and/or his family. The comments are repeated again and again throughout the lifetime of the individuals concerned, and some erroneously believe the statements are true….Usually the bias hate crime occurs because of the desire of the younger generation to please the older generation. This may happen whether or not the older generation gives permission for the actions. Sometimes the older generation is upset or shocked by the actions of the younger generation."

Bliss - By Sandra Adler

Brahms Lullaby
"One of the best videos I ever experienced is the following YouTube presentation of Brahms Lullaby sung by Victoria de los Angeles.  It just shows a picture of her but the rest of the images are outstanding!"  This link also includes German and English translations.  I have used this link many times to regroup.

(The) Butterfly
I feel I was especially blessed with the insight to write this short spiritual poem.

Capital Punishment
I wrote this paper entitled "Capital Punishment and Its Alternatives" for my senior law school class in Jurisprudence in 1966.

"Francisco Coll, the founder of the Americana Leadership College ( repeatedly reminded us not to get caught in a catering vibration.  He told us to overcome this tendency by loving and accepting ourselves exactly as we are.  Furthermore, how can anyone but love and accept himself/herself when he/she is aware of the love he/she has from his/her guidance?"

(A Layman's Observation on) Child Abuse
"This article is not to find blame, judge, condemn or condone child abuse. It is the author's observations of the cause, cost, prevention and cure of child abuse, which is one of the greatest problems facing our nation and perhaps most nations of this planet."

Child Sexual Abuse
"Feelings of resentment and anger may be physically and psychologically devastating to the victim.  Release from the trauma and guilt may come through individual or group therapy, role playing, mentoring, or reciting positive affirmations.  Perhaps the greatest healing may come from understanding and forgiveness."

Christ & The Jews
My thoughts about the death of Christ; our desire [and also Christ's] not to live this life despite the foreknowledge of our incarnation.  His life was unusual because it was known and spoken about for generations beforehand.  Yet, He was willing to sacrifice His life for the greater good, as are many of us.

Christmas - By Ben Stein
"It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu. If people want a crèche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away."

Clarity - By Francisco David Coll
Francisco David Coll, the son of Dr. Francisco Coll, the founder of the Americana Leadership College ( and the Inner Peace Movement (, states:  "I have greater joy and Inner Peace in my life by taking an extra moment to ensure I have all the Facts. When I decide to get involved I need to know the 'What,' the 'When,' the 'Where,' the 'Why,' and the 'Who is getting something out of it.' This is the difference between floating through life and having personal and spiritual direction." 

"To fulfill the terms of the word, 'Collaborate,' I must expend energy to do so.  I must remember to ease up on myself when I am thinking of collaborating, or else I will feel much pressure. Time is not of the essence when I think of the word.  Life is not a trial:  I will not be hung at the end of it if I fail." 

Compose - By Dr. Sandra Adler
"My biggest challenge to keep my composure was when I was [growing up with my] family.  It’s so easy to fall back into the games of the maze.  I had to be alert and use self-discipline to be the real me."

Compose - By Francisco David Coll
"To compose is to be me, all the time and doing the best I know how. To compose is to BE affluence, and simply allow the harmony to flow through me."

"I know that to be successful I must accept myself.  However, I must always understand that any limitations I focus upon may hold me back, because working with spirit may overcome any limitation I believe I have.  And this encourages my confidence."

"This writing would seem to detract from my quest to blend the principles of 'The Secret' (see 'The Secret' and 'Enjoy' in this website, in my daily life.  However, spirit informs me that it is highly therapeutic."

Creation - By Estelle Minor
Rev. Estelle Minor:  "When I 'look back' in our timeless eternity, I appreciate that ages and ages ago, wise souls in concert and teamwork with each other and with spirit have willed atoms and so on to come together to manifest the beginnings of our solar system and of our earth.  Eventually, certain wise ones willed the beginnings of plant and animal life here and shepherded their multiplicity."

Desiderata - By Max Ehrman in 1927
"….You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here…."

Dealing With Melancholy
As another means of overcoming melancholy stemming from our parents, I have included Israel Kamakawiwo Ole's version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."  He sings as if he actually is “flying over the rainbow” and experiencing living in this wonderful world!

Bishop Sandra Adler of the Peace Community Church International ( states that “Loving yourself will bring inner peace.  When totally accepting and loving oneself it is easy to discern ‘what is me and not me’ when in a negative environment.”

Do Your Best - By Chris Gallatin
" Don’t give up.  Make a commitment…between your determination, your hopes and your heart…that your sun is going to shine in the sky.  Live your life a day at a time and things will get better by and by."

Don't Cry For Me Argentina (My Loved Ones)
In this essay I include the words to "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina" and give my life-time message.

Dream Come True
"…God and His angels are present and loving,
 Showing me the way to truth and happiness."

Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth" (Review) - By Kelly Pierce
"Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment….  It is our human ego: our ramped thoughts, that keep us from connecting to the source…. Anything that you resent and strongly react to in another is also in you. But it is no more than a form of ego…it is completely impersonal." – Eckhart Tolle

El Salvador
"When will we ever learn not to interfere with the manifest destiny of another nation? 'Live and let live.' Let all those who are ready for democracy make their own choice…. History repeats itself because we sometimes do not learn from the past. Let us learn quickly, before we are left with fewer and fewer friends on this planet."

Learning how to enjoy life and to strengthen my relationship with God and have fewer moments where, because of pain or stress, I have doubts about my relationship with Him….To open my soul to my true feelings:  the good, kind and loving feelings which a loved and cherished child so easily displays [It would also be helpful to tune into such a child’s wonder about the universe around him].  Contains a few summaries of my writings and others, esp. of "The Secret." 

Enthusiasm Overcoming Misery
Herein is the first mention of my poem, "The God Within."  I have also included techniques developed by myself and others to be enthusiastic despite incidents in my life which cause misery.

An Unfinished Writing On Existence
In this writing I begin an attempt to state some of my learning on existence.

"I express my appreciation to spirit to all that it provides.  I will work this month as if the energy I need to accomplish the opportunities open to me will be provided.   No one activity will dominate this month, since I am involved in so many.  Organization will be the challenge."

[I wrote this before all the good news about the "Law of Attraction," "The Secret," became universal]. Bishop Adler: "Fairness is in the eyes of the beholder.  If you are living for yourself and are learning from your experiences, you are making your life fair to you…."  I discuss choices and impediments toward realizing a "fair" world.  "…we should live and let live and realize that the universe is fair if we are allowed to do this.  Or if we are not able to do so, that we grow when we learn we must find a meaning in life, despite its apparent unfairness, as did the some of the Jews and others in concentration camps in World War II."  

"By accepting my limitations, I am more comfortable and relaxed in all situations and have greater ability to avoid offending myself and others.  By looking upon myself with a non-judgmental and accepting attitude, I’m gaining peace of mind and a forgiving spirit."

"…I believe I shall always be in the grace of God. Although my freedom is limited, I still feel able to accomplish and be a participating member of society, especially since I am learning day by day how to focus on the “Law of Abundance” and “Gratitude.”

God Bless America
From  A poem written by John Mitchum recited by John Wayne.  Lovely scenes of the United States are shown.

(The) God Within
This is a copy of the poem first written in "Enthusiasm."

God's Under The Bed
An anonymous author: "My brother Kevin thinks God lives under his bed. At least that's what I heard him say one night. He was praying out loud in his dark bedroom, and I stopped outside his closed door to listen. "Are you there, God?" he said. "Where are you? Oh, I see. Under the bed…."

Good Friday Reflections
"Until the world becomes a more loving place, I will have difficulty going to church on Good Friday. Looking about myself sometimes brings pain to me, and I cannot tolerate the addition of more pain upon hearing about the injustice meted upon anyone who cares."

Gratitude 2007
"[Mark] realizes that in some ways his life has been average.  Yet, because he sees value in his overall existence and his continually being able to grow in love in service, he rarely judges himself…."

Gratitude 2008
"I am also finding greater peace in my everyday living.  Much of it is brought about by writing and feeling the blessing of spirit."

I TRUST myself and spirit, and believe that “[T]he universe is unfolding as it should,” (from “Desiderata”), and therefore I deal with all things in a simple and straightforward manner.

Hamlet and Romeo
Hamlet is more withdrawn as shown by the greater number of soliloquies and the fact that he cannot communicate with others about his problems, whereas Romeo can; Hamlet has forsaken a great love, whereas Romeo cannot….

"[Happiness] is not life forever filled with joy and peace, but one which includes growth experiences through which we learn to control our emotions, sometimes with help…."

Happiness (An Explanation)
From "Happiness" in, originally written in 2004.

"I am less at the mercy of my painbodies (see “Spirituality” on this website).  I almost constantly remember that with the use of “The Secret” (see this website, along with “Enjoy”), healing can happen magically…."

(The) Healing
This is a poem created from the healing of the blind man Bartimaeus by Jesus (Mark 10:46-52).

"One can have heaven here on earth by having an enthusiastic, passionate and loving interest in daily living.  Restrictions are caused only by an inability to adapt to life around you…."

(The) Heavenly Peninsula
"The awareness of God is omnipresent and the population is learning to grow in love and caring for their fellow man…."

Following Her Dream
About a therapist:
"Hearing their dreams and assisting their becoming,
Teaching self-restraint and comportation,
And listening, listening, listening."

"They say that an honorable man is entitled to respect. Yet, a man's prayer for being an honorable man may cause him intense agony, for a person's actions may sometimes be beyond his control. His previous pattern or learned behavior may be in opposition to that of an honorable man…."

How Embarrassing
"[M]y experience was not unique. I learned a valuable lesson from it: Until that experience, I had not truly felt that I was the most important person in the universe to myself…."

"For ages past hymns have evoked stirrings from the soul, since it is the essential God-part of us…."

I Love You, My Lord
[From spirit:]  "You, like most of humanity, have moments when you believe circumstances control your life.  However, such apparent control has been agreed upon before your life began.  Working with spirit will assist you in overcoming the subconscious factors affecting your life and give you greater freedom."

Intimate Or Distant
"….She, intrigued by his demeanor, grace, intellect and wit,
He, by her beauty, sincerity, sweetness and kindness,
Came together to practice dalliances
Reflecting the combining of their spiritual universes…."

(The) Israeli Palestinian Conflict
"I proposed [a Middle East peace plan to] President [George W.] Bush and to all the U.S. Senators months ago:  the acceptance of the state of Israel by the Palestinians, the Palestinians to form a state of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, Jerusalem to be formed as an independent state, and reparations given by Israel or their backers to the Palestinians…." 2002

(The) Journey
"….To free himself and others of blighted souls.
Lightening the burden which we carry…."

Life In The World Unseen - By Anthony Borgia
Mr. Borgia writes about the world of spirit, of our afterlife.

Dawn Overstreet, currently (2010) President of the Inner Peace Movement International ( “To grow through our experiences we need to take time to understand what we learn from those experiences. Mastering our purpose is learning to be that light which represents the good, kind, sharing part of us, or our true feelings."

(The) Lonely Planet - By Murray Leinster
Murray Leinster's description of the lonely planet corresponds closely with the description of God in The Complete Conversations with God:  an uncommon dialogue by Neale Donald Walsch (Hampton Roads Publishing Co., Inc., G. P. Putnam Sons, N.Y. 2005).

Love (2007)
From  "The Aloha Spirit is a well known reference to the attitude of friendly acceptance for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. However, it also refers to a powerful way to resolve any problem, accomplish any goal, and to achieve any state of mind or body that you desire…."

Love & Ecstasy
"I believe that the chanting opens up the soul to permit special contact with one's spiritual guides…."

"If I say that I have discovered myself to be in love, I might have just been attracted to another.  Genuine love is not lost or relative.  It is based upon the principle of caring…."

This essay was not written as a judgment call, as a measuring rod to perfection, but as a means to understand oneself, to grow in mind, body and spirit:  "Loyalty is unwavering faithfulness in spirit and body" to one's state of consciousness, his physical body, his family and his nation.  I am not asking anyone to measure himself to any standard. 

Marriage and Family Encounter and a Statement of Human Needs
I wrote here about one's need for intimacy and the problems created by a lack of understanding of one's basic needs of love, sex and companionship.

(A) Melody Of Love
I wrote this poem a few months before I married Judy, my beloved.

Memorial To Frosty
This poem was written to honor the love my family felt toward a cat named Frosty.

When one uses the word, "Morality," he is making a judgment based upon what he believes is right and wrong.  Dr. Francisco Coll stated many times that one should avoid judging another because he may judge himself ten times worse.  " “You are what you think, not what you think you are” (see my links on “Secret” and “Enjoy”), “Be a peace lover, not a peace maker,” “Live and let live” and “Do not judge another, because you may find yourself judging yourself twice as hard.”

"Upon analysis of the circumstances surrounding my life, I am happy to report that I have many, many more positive influences affecting me than negative."

Music & Dance
This is the first essay in which I used videos of music and dance.  "Music and dance generate feeling.  Music and dance come from spirit. My type of music and dance is very personal to me.  Life would lose much of its meaning and desire without music and dance."

My Pets
"My pets watch me frequently during the day.  Someone told me that they are learning from me.  However, I believe I also learn from them:  how to be friendly to everyone I meet, how to accept life as it is, and how to enjoy myself."

Native - By Dr. Sandra Adler
"My native characteristics as a soul are innate.  I am one with all things; I am love energy.  This is my essence, my true feelings.  When I follow my true feelings and listen to guidance, everything flows smoothly and I have an inner joy for life."

Native - By Francisco David Coll
"Native is to be love, not think it. Native is to be success, not strive for it."

(The Threat Of) Nuclear War
"…[I]f the absolute veto power of the nations in the Security Council can be withdrawn, a world state with the possibility of eliminating all nuclear weapons could be created. It need not be given power over any human endeavor except international security."

"At a particular moment of time, I may have a distorted feeling or emotion of unity or oneness: that I may not belong or cannot relate to a particular person or group, but in reality I am always one with all things."

(The)Orientation Profile
This profile is geared to help counselees understand their spiritual nature and experience the reality of the soul. 

(The) Original - Francisco David Coll
An inspirational message from Francisco David Coll.

Our Guardians
"Our guardians still continue to watch over us…"

Overcoming Negativity
"….Mentally cleanse by imagining a remarkable rainbow across the sky. Let it come to you and imagine each color, including white, painting every aspect of your environment, even the air and especially yourself…."

Tom and Francisco were exemplary leaders in the Inner Peace Movement and the Americana Leadership College (

Patience (2008)
"Inspiration from my guidance has been the fundamental factor in my life assisting me to adjust in this incarnation.  However, if I have not lived through many difficult experiences, I would not have been able to write about them."

Perfection (2008)
Dr. Sandra Adler of the Peace Community Church International (  "One facet of perfectionism is to acknowledge that one is torturing oneself and that is why we attract others to torture us.  Once we come to grips with what we are doing to ourselves and do something about it we no longer attract that in our lives."

"We let others or our own perfectionism overwhelm us. If we but relax, we can easily bring our plans to completion."

Pivot Point
How to stay on one's pivot point is briefly described here:  "I truly express my love and appreciation of myself and others…."

Pledge Of Love
"…I pledge to support you in your search for life's purpose…."

(A) Poem To Judy
"….Your touch was and is delight, reaching my innermost being,
Sustaining and enduring, fascinating and fulfilling…."

Power Derived Through Dedication
This poem states the pledge our angels give to us sometime during our existence.

Premature Death
This paper considers the cause, prevention and spiritual resolution of premature death:  From accident, disease, self-defense, homicide and suicide.

Prevention Of Crime
"Many volunteer probation counseling and some parole aid programs were started after 1959 and have saved the taxpayers billions of dollars…."

By Francisco David Coll

(The) Question of Free Will
This essay discusses whether we have free choice and the factors we may consider in our life plan. 

Realism & Political Idealism
This essay, which was written for a Political Science class, discusses the conflict between the political philosophies of realism and idealism.

Rectitude - By Francisco David Coll
Francisco David Coll, President of the Americana Leadership College ( states that "Rectitude is honest, straight, balanced direction. Rectitude is fairness, harmony, freedom and true concern in my Service. Rectitude is LIVING the dreams I adore."

I attempt to keep my life positive and rejoice and avoid depression by focusing on the advice I gave my late aunt Mary Jabboori through her daughter:  I told her that she should tell her mother, my aunt, that she should express love to everyone in her life and to praise and thank God as best she can.

"Since existence is eternal, during the span of lifetimes one accumulates many ways to rejuvenate oneself, most of which are acceptable. One might even be called saintly if he manifests rejuvenation continuously."

"I am learning that the easiest way to grow in self-love toward myself and others is to imagine loving myself and expressing true concern toward others."

Recognize and Restore Our Heritage
This essay was written in 1995 to overcome the wanton destruction of one of our most precious resources, trees.

Robert Moss
Moss [describes] how we can access and use our imagination's healing imagery to help us map our lives. As he says, “[W]hat we can imagine has a tendency to become real in our bodies and our world.”

Safer Society
"Toward Establishing a Safer Society, hereafter referred to as “TESS,” is a nonprofit charitable corporation incorporated in February, 1989. Its purpose is to promote and establish programs of crime prevention which could cost less than one tenth of the cost of building institutions to house and support the delinquent and compensate victims of crime."

This essay includes quotes from various essays in this website to assist one in being of service.

 "I never worry about workmanship when doing a project.  I meditate, tune into guidance, have faith in myself and spirit, and proceed." 

School Funding
This letter published in the Detroit News and the Grosse Pointe News in 1992 stated the inequities in school funding which I declared to be unconstitutional.

A person can change his world for the better by being positive and grateful about his endeavors.

"I do not fear malicious assaults upon my character, because I realize that the spiritual nature of myself shines and I place my trust in my guidance."

"I was eight years old when I first dedicated my life to God.  I am searching for more and better ways to be of service, and am learning to withdraw all judgment of my ability to be of service."

This essay focuses on the fact that women (as well as men) can be slaves to their sexual needs and must learn to forgive themselves for any transgressions.

"Dr. Sandra Adler of the Peace Community Church International comments upon my statement of trying to be happy part of the day by saying, 'You write that you must have at least a short time each day to feel good.  But isn't your goal to feel good all the time?  That's when you know you have kept your life SIMPLE.'”

"Writing about sincerity taught me that I need not fear the judgmental attitude of others.  I am able to generally show love, respect and true concern."

Social Business - By Muhammed Yunus
Muhammad Yunus is the founder and managing director of Grameen Bank and the author of "Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism." He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his work on microcredit.

Spirit, Heaven Mine Now
I was inspired by the song, "Vienna, City of My Dreams" to write this song to be sung to the melody of "Vienna, City of My Dreams."  It is my interpretation of the spiritual meaning of "Vienna, City of My Dreams."

In this essay I attempt to show that expressing our true essence as a soul or spirit and relating to the infinite positively makes it easier to live.

Spiritual Cleansing
This technique assists me in maintaining a positive attitude and/or eliminating a negative one (I credit and thank the Americana Leadership College ( for this technique).

Spiritual Growth Meditation
This is a very short meditation to aid in growing spiritually.

Spiritual Interpretation of The 23rd Psalm
This is my attempt to set forth the inner meaning of the 23rd Psalm.

This essay illustrates that by following messages from spirit and not worrying about survival my life has become more successful.

Swan Lake
This essay states the story behind the "Swan Lake" ballet and gives the psychological motive for the ballet.

Tax Reform
This essay sets forth my brief before the Supreme Court of the United States filed on May 9, 1977, case numbers 76-270 and 76-1696, stating the unconstitutionality of five major tax preferences on the grounds that they “creat[e] a condition of involuntary servitude upon this petitioner and others similarly situated....” because they allow the wealthy to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court denied me certiorari back in 1977 or 1978.

Time Does Not Exist
"When you convey to these images [photos, pictures and videos] that you know they actually exist they become more life-like, holographic or three-dimensional. They come from an "earlier" time, yet they are "present" in our time!"

Toby (Tobius)
This is my attempt at free verse, where I write about the need to ease my depression by obtaining a dog, Toby.

"I look upon the creation of this website as the best achievement of my life. If anyone can see any value in what I wrote, then I will be able to say I accomplished something credible with my life."

(A) Typical Day?
In more ways than not, this essay illustrates a typical day in my life.

"We are one with all things.  We are all atoms in the multi-dimensional consciousness of the All.  Any sense of separation is an illusion."

Universal Cleansing and Healing
This essay states and explains "Universal Cleansing and Healing," which to me is the most powerful prayer in the universes.

US Senators and GM Bankruptcy
"I believe that President Barack Obama has good and necessary ideas to keep the economy from collapsing further, but not on the backs of many of our citizens. Therefore, I wrote and emailed the following letter to all 100 of our U.S. Senators...."

Through spirit I can at least make a beginning of utopia or a better place to live on earth.

(Do We Really) Value Life
In this essay I mention that there are safer ways to apprehend a speeder than by racing after them and jeopardizing the lives of many.

Where Are You, My Love?
This poem illustrates my love for my wife Judy.

Who Made It Possible To Reap More - Rev. Estelle Minor
Rev. Estelle Minor comments about the miracle of the world wide web and its ability to reach her apprentices.

Wisdom From The Lights
This free verse contains direction from guidance how to live:  "Relax, meditate, check out your goals, prioritize, and to the best of your ability follow them without judgment."

(Are We Ready For A) World State
This essay was a term paper for a political science class I took in 1962.  I stated that "we have the U. N. accepted by a majority of the world today, and with a readiness to compromise a world state could grow out of the United Nations with its evolution thereby accepted with little objection by the nations of the world."