Rejoice! Rejoice!
We Have
 A Choice To Carry On!

Welcome To David



For this essay, I have included four  versions of the “Ave Maria.”   

Celtic Woman - Ave Maria:  

Pavarotti - Ave Maria - Schubert:  

Vitas-Ave Maria:  

Carmen Monarcha singing the Bach version:  

The fascination of this hymn stems from the tradition of recognition, honoring and celebrating the Mother of our Redeemer; the excellent compositions of some of the greatest composers the world has ever known who by their spiritual music place much of humanity into their true feelings; and the recognition of the importance of motherhood in society.

I am overcome with feelings when I hear the “Ave Maria.”     

The English translation of the words of the “Ave Maria” or the “Hail Mary” follow:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death.

As a celebration of motherhood, I am creating a spiritual message for all women:

 God the Father cherishes you and wishes you to recognize the important role in your service to humanity.  Your offspring are the people of earth who but for your creating them by your womb would not exist.  Giving everyone that springs forth from your womb recognition and love would create more beings who would recognize the divinity that embraces all.

 May you have more blessings than heartaches from your children.  However, it is easier to cope with life if you remember that no one on planet earth can be perfect, or, in other words, free from sin.

Despite our universal inclination to sin, many of us would give our lives for a good cause!


                                                            David C. Hakim

                                                            Rochester, Michigan

                                                            December 20, 2008