Rejoice! Rejoice!
We Have
 A Choice To Carry On!

Welcome To David


[“Fairness” was written before I heard of “The Secret,” “The Laws of Abundance and Expectation” and “Gratitude” (discussed in my link, “The Secret” and “Enjoy,” later links on my website,   In real life getting things can be as easy as asking for it!   

I have witnessed the power of “The Secret” in my life. The planet in “the Lonely Planet,” a short story in The Best of Murray Leinster (Edited and with an Introduction by J. J. Pierce: A Del Rey [paperback] Book, Ballantine Books, New York, N. Y., 1978) manages to convince people to live on it. The lonely planet can be said to represent God: Everything can be granted to he who asks. Things can literally “Fall into one’s lap.”]

When I first received the word “fairness” as my word for the month from spirit, the first reaction I had is that “fairness” is a judgmental word like “perfection,” “karma” and “honor.” Making “fairness” a goal in my life can be damaging to my self-esteem, because I may tend to overdo it and leave myself out, becoming a “door mat” for others. 

In my website,, I have already written on “Perfection” and “Honor,” and karma is written about in my link on “Gratitude.”   What could I write about fairness, that would be of interest to the reader? 

After some meditation, I was inspired to read about “Sin” in The Great Ideas, a Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World, Volume II, Man to World, published by the Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1952, and reread “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare.


After reading the following from “Sin” (683) I realized that there was much more to think about: 

If God positively predestines [man] to sin, they would seem to be without responsibility, and so without sin.   

However, through the Inner Peace Movement (; see also and the Wayshowers Community Fellowship (see I have learned that “God is the good, kind and loving part of us.”  Yet, some say that good and evil are parts of God, as illustrated by a coin, which has two distinct sides.  

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My mentor, Bishop Sandra Adler of the Peace Community Church International, gave me the following to think about: 

Fairness is in the eyes of the beholder.  If you are living for yourself and are learning from your experiences, you are making your life fair to you. 

However, many of us, myself included, are sometimes so obsessed from a sense of anger or guilt that we see little of fairness in our existence.  How do we release the emotion of unfairness in our past or especially in our future when we are fearful of growing old?  To me these emotions reflect upon almost every act attempted and affect any true feelings we have. 

Also, what is the meaning of "living for myself"?  I do not believe this should be interpreted in a totally egocentric manner of behavior, although Francisco Coll, founder of several of the above named spiritual movements, said 50% pride is appropriate.  I believe that it means that we should live and let live and realize that the universe is fair if we are allowed to do this.  Or if we are not able to do so, that we grow when we learn we must find a meaning in life, despite its apparent unfairness, as did the some of the Jews and others in concentration camps in World War II. 

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An often repeated quote from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” is:   

      . . . [T]o thine own self be true;

      And it must follow, as the night the day,

      [T]hou canst not be false to any man (Act I, Scene III)   

And from the Bible, 

      Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 

But most people realize that the practitioner of these sayings must always have inherent within him a positive sense of fairness, which is impossible:  we all see “through a glass darkly” and are prone to sin. 

Hamlet himself, in his famous “To be or not to be” speech (Act III, Scene I) considered the necessity to avoid vengeance for his father’s death.  However, Hamlet wanted to die (Act II, Scene II), so murdering his uncle as revenge for the murder of his father may have been largely determined by his desire not to continue to live.  

Karma is the effect upon a person of a positive or negative act toward another.  It can be experienced in one lifetime, which King Claudius, the murderer of Hamlet’s father, discovered.  One does not have to believe in reincarnation to know the reality of karma, for it can exhibit itself in a split second after one acts (of course, Hamlet gets his revenge at the end of the play but commits suicide). 

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If one can always follow his true feelings, he would never have to worry about lack of fairness.  But even God, in Karl Jung’s “Answer to Job” (see, for example, “Christ and the Jews Expanded,” part of my link “Christ and the Jews” on this website) was accused of being unfair.  

Even if we believe in predestination, and at times appear not to have any control over our destiny, the concept of sin is necessary when we acknowledge that actions on our part almost continuously result in karma, whether it is positive or negative.  It is my continuing prayer that I learn from my mistakes so that I do not continue to harm others.

Yet we are all guilty of unfairness, since no one on planet earth can be or was perfect in the sense of freedom from the inclination to sin. 

If one believes life should always be fair, someone perpetuated a fraud upon him, for life is not intended to be fair.  Even the most confused incarnating souls chose life to somehow grow in love and service, even though an iota of learning of the meaning of life may not be acquired until after he passes on and reviews his life experiences (This is assuming that after his death he has awareness of the nature of his existence and that life has more meaning than the perpetual reliving the facts surrounding his death and his yearning for a continuing human existence.  [Thus, the ability to communicate with guidance, as we all do in various ways, is possibly the most important act of existence, for we can thereby learn that life is always fair when the nature of our existence is adequately understood.]) 

However, as with many attributes of human existence, many have learned to mimic words such as fairness, honor and perfection with smoothness, without showing love.

We are one with all things.  A good illustration is the following from Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky) as quoted in “Sin,” supra, 755: 

To avoid sin, the only positive commandment, according to Father Zossima, is to love in accordance with God’s love.  “Love a man even in his sin,” he counsels, “for that is the semblance of Divine Love and is the highest love on earth. . . . And let not the sin of men confound you in your doings.  Fear not that it will wear away your work and hinder its being accomplished.  .  .  . [T]hen take unto yourself, and make yourself responsible for, all men’s sins; that is the truth, you know, friends, for as soon as you sincerely make yourself responsible for everything and for all men, you will see at once that it is really so, and you are to blame for everything and for all things.  But throwing your own indolence and impotence on others, you will end by sharing the pride of Satan and murmuring against God. . . .   

Through unity with spirit one can achieve a sense of fairness which is generally acceptable, providing he is not at any given moment overwhelmed by emotion.  And the best way to remain positive is to view positive messages, which I believe I set forth in my “Enthusiasm” link to this website. 

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I believe that the best way to avoid unfairness in one’s life is to have intimacy and a positive rearing as a child.  I believe that most world leaders who were butchers did not receive proper rearing, for today we still engage in strategies of conquest, both personal, national and international that cause me to sometimes believe that human ethical advancement is a myth.  And this at a time when we have had the power to destroy our planet for decades!  

Perhaps we will someday recognize that peace is more possible when we again establish a matriarchal society.  

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Peace of mind for many comes only after he forgives himself and believes he is forgiven.  But again, emotion plays a key role in being fair and forgiving another.  I am almost always experiencing the emotion that life can seem to be unfair.  To avoid any self-righteousness, I must accept the reality that at times all of us appear to be unfair to another.  But again, if everyone were fair to each other, how would we grow?  Why incarnate at all if one expects to be treated fairly?  

                              David C. Hakim

                              Rochester, Michigan

                              June 9, 2006