by Francisco David Coll

I did not come here for a vacation. I came here to fulfill my purpose. The moment I begin worrying, feeling guilty and embracing the great anxieties that are in society, I know I am not doing what I came to do. I have made the business of others more important than the business of what I need to do. It is simple; when I am directed toward what I want and what I can learn from it, I am feeling great. The moment I get off on a tangent I become ambivalent, tired, angry, fearful, depressed and even indecisive about my life and what I want. My solution in life is being loyal to my Needs and Wants. Loyalty to the opportunity I have given myself in this situation. Loyalty to my service that I choose to offer to the world, but mostly my loyalty to my true feelings, which equals affluent energy in everything I do and say. It means having the goal to enjoy all things.
Affluence is 'abundantly flowing,' and includes Loyalty to my true feelings, Organizing what I feel for success, and Accomplishing the fulfillment of what I feel. Feel, think, act, my true feelings have no lack, they have only fact. There is only what I need and want, and how I will achieve it. Lack is someone else's idea and concept; it is not what I came in with.
I chose two people to back me with a physical body here on planet earth so that I could do what I came to do. I chose those people, and the environment, for their positive qualities. During my first seven years I learned positive qualities that back me and not so good habits that work against me. I accept 50% responsibility for the not so good habits because I have free will to choose my contracts. It is up to me to learn from these not so good habits in order that I may create success in my life. Just as a child learns and grows naturally, so must I. If I am unwilling to learn and grow from my not-so-good habits, I will continually be at the mercy of other people's concepts and ideas, in what is meant to be unique and dynamic for me. If I am unwilling to accept myself completely, then I will always have a false sense of security, and that is not the real me.
Success and abundance is natural to me. Just as the sun abundantly shines, I am without lack or limitation. I have everything that I will ever need. My opportunity is simply to be of service and to enjoy all things. Native is to be love, not think it. Native is to be success, not strive for it. Native is to be me in every breath and in every opportunity. Whether I have organized myself to have ease in my life, or whether there are great challenges in my life, there is but one thing that I need to remember: I am here to fulfill my Purpose . . . everything else is second or third priority in importance.
Native is jumping for joy because I have this opportunity to fulfill my purpose.
Francisco David Coll
May 5, 2008