Rejoice! Rejoice!
We Have
 A Choice To Carry On!

Welcome To David



 BEGAN IN 2005 


This work is guided by spirit.  It will be illustrated by the story of Mark.  It will follow the sequence of the “Seven Year Cycles” as set forth in Francisco Coll’s Man and the Universe (Americana Leadership College, Inc., Osceola, Iowa, Reprinted 1997, pages 31-2; hereafter referred to as Man).


Much of this writing is incomplete and missing, because spirit inspired me to write it at various times, although one may object it is written “piecemeal.”  With time I hope to complete it.


Although these cycles are applicable to mankind in general, they will generally be mentioned in the third person as they become applicable to Mark. 


Sometimes because of limits and handicaps set upon an individual because of his parentage, he will have blockages that occur in the first seven years.  Francisco explained to us that blockages, even though painful, should be welcome.  It is through overcoming blockages that a person grows.  The life plan of an individual is substantially determined by his approach toward overcoming his blockages.


Spiritual consultants through the Americana Leadership College, Inc. are trained to assist a person with his blockages by “Blockage Discovery Profiles.”


Why the Title of this Work is Gratitude:

Carl Jung, in “The Answer to Job” printed in The Portable Jung (Penguin Books, The Viking Press, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1971, p.577) states “It is perfectly possible, psychologically, for the unconscious or an archetype to take complete possession of a man and to determine his fate down to the smallest detail.” 

To write about gratitude is a real challenge if one is prone to depression.  Yet, in the writing one becomes less depressed because he is actively doing what he wants to do or is directed to do by his archetype!  That is to say, one is fulfilling a primary reason for his incarnation and therefore becoming at ease with himself, and in fact, joyful, because he is doing his life work, the work he had planned to do before his incarnation. 

L. James Hammond, in, states, I believe it’s possible for mankind to eventually attain certainty on the subject of life after death.  Meanwhile, it may be healthy for people to entertain the possibility of life after death.  As Jung says, ‘it is better for an old person to live on and look forward to the next day, as if he had to spend centuries, for then he lives properly…. When he doesn’t look forward, he looks back and petrifies.’”  C.G. Jung Speaking:  Interviews and Encounters, Princeton University Press, 1977, p. 438. 

As the author of these works, I am fulfilling my archetype as stated above.  Also, by concentrating on writing, I have less time to think of anything else.  In addition, Mark will have much to be grateful about.  The effect of writing about him, who is substantially a positive soul, will tend to make it easier for me to stay positive.   

Much of what this author portrays is common to all humanity.


The Life of Mark

Before this life

Mark was on a vacation in spirit.  With the assistance of his spiritual helpers and other higher souls, he had created a fairy-tale like existence full of love, appreciation and harmony.  In our time it was not long, but it was necessary, for he had just completed an assignment being a spiritual helper for an incarnated soul. 

A higher spirit mentioned to Mark that the time was approaching for his agreed upon reincarnation where his lifetime contacts would mainly be positive souls like himself, and where he could grow even more in love and service. 

 Mark was well-acquainted with his spiritual helpers, having had their assistance for a considerable length of time.  Mutuality of love and respect highlights their association.

He has seen that the future on planet earth will be troubled and that higher souls may have to reincarnate to insure its survival. He realizes that he will be one of many such higher souls to incarnate.

He realizes that there will be both positive and negative experiences to his lifetime, because he realizes that growth is an endless cycle of perfection of mind and spirit. He knows that the purpose of life is to grow in love and service and thanks God for another opportunity to reincarnate. He has already evolved to the point that he has learned not to place stress upon himself by actually forcing himself to be perfect.  He realizes that by staying relaxed he has a better chance of fully utilizing his gifts and growing in love and service that much quicker.

Mark has had many lifetimes.  Some were simple and some complex.  For example, he ranged from being a wayward woman to an emperor. He has already attained the status of being a spiritual helper but still wants to be of service. Even though he knows many positive souls have already incarnated, he feels “left out” when he cannot participate more directly.

This lifetime he has chosen parents who will be upper middle class. He knows his parents will be above average in intelligence, sociable, and gifted entrepreneurs.   He also realizes that his father will have been so hurt during his childhood that he will take out his pain on his children, especially his first and second born, who conveniently will be boys. Mark will be the second born and fortunately will miss some of the debilitation of the first.

Mark has a choice to make. He can accept the lifetime, choose another, or choose not to reincarnate at all. To assist him in making the right choice, he sees the future he will have if he chooses to incarnate. He knows major facts about his parents and his own spiritual helpers. He also knows his own disposition as shaped by his prior incarnations and the influence his parents will have on him. He has already dedicated his existence to being of service and knows that he will rededicate himself early during his forthcoming lifetime. This guiding force will be necessary throughout the disappointments and frustrations he will experience. One of his main gifts, since he has a great team of helpers, will be in his writing skills. He will be blessed to be able to read at an early age and to freely communicate with his spiritual helpers.

One of his major lessons of this lifetime is expanding his definition of “live and let live” and release his expectations of others.

Becoming incarnate

The fetus Mark will soon occupy is nearing the period when brain waves develop, when the soul occupies the body.  This is about the 40th day of gestation.  Two teams of angels are present:  one energizing Mark, the other his future mother.  It is through this energy that Mark’s soul is attached to the fetus. 

If Mark is meant to be incarnate at that time, the attachment of soul to fetus will take place.  This happens through the power of God.

Mark became incarnate.  Dreaming, sleeping and growing became his primary functions until birth.

First seven year cycle (0-7):  Feeling

Mark began his first seven year cycle, in which feeling is pronounced.  It is the most important cycle, where the basic personality is molded. Man, 31.

Mark had foreknowledge that his psyche would be damaged severely.  Because of abuse from his father and brother, he would not be retarded, but his personality would be diminished where he would have considerable difficulty through most of his life in expressing himself verbally.

Mark knew he would suffer pain because his brother would be severely punished for abusing him.  However, he knew he had to complain because his survival was at stake.  Also, because of his extreme sensitivity, he had no choice.

Fortunately Mark experienced moments of joy during his first cycle.  He vaguely remembers his nanny “Ellen,” an African American lady who cared for him and his siblings so his mother could work.  He also remembers the joy he received when he was able to sell goods, mainly candy, at his parent’s grocery store.

One day when Mark was six years old he fell asleep, woke up, and began crying in school.  He had to move out of the classroom, and still continued crying until he exhausted himself.  He was allowed to go home, and began crying again when he saw his father.  Then he was able to go to sleep and dream.

Second seven year cycle (7-14):  The Development of the Thinking Mind

One of the most traumatic experiences of Mark’s life occurred when he was eight years old and in the third grade.

He accidentally mispronounced a nun’s name and had to stay after school.  Then he was belittled by the nun and the principal, and his self-esteem suffered even more.

Fortunately when Mark was eight he enjoyed an uplifting experience.  He had recently moved to a better neighborhood.   He reviewed his fashionable surroundings and dedicated himself to the service of God.


The Cycle 63-70:  “Opening Up His Soul to God”



April  2002:  Mark reflects upon the completion of a major project, the requested dismissal of a lawsuit against a friend who was unfortunately involved in a lawsuit by an enterprising person seeking to extort funds from a business for a slip and fall accident suffered at a business place.  That morning Mark dreamt of going through a tunnel and hearing the words, “Can you handle this much excitement?”


Mark thought out several interpretations of his dream, and settled upon that the dream represents his birth into a lifetime of excitement and promise.


Well, the excitement was just starting, because of Mark’s excellence in preparing the request for dismissal, the law firm representing the plaintiff dismissed the complaint against Mark’s friend.




The Cycle, 70-77:  “The Dawning of His Greatness”



March, 2007:  In a dreamlike state, since it is earlier than the normal wakeup time for Mark, he reminiscences about his surroundings:  His acquisitions of two paintings and his third which he created himself. 


The oldest is a 3 feet by 4 feet Indian painting depicting God and the universe:  animals and symbols and a jar with liquid flowing representing the continuous flow of abundance.


The second painting is a 2 feet by 3 feet mountain scene in Armenia, representing Mount Arafat with a monastery at the base.  Mount Arafat was the landing place for Noah’s Ark, which has great significance for the saving of mankind.  Mark reflects upon the theory that because of the ice caps being on land in at least one hemisphere, the earth was in the past caused to shift about every 10,000 years, and that Noah saved humanity in the last great Deluge.


He reminiscences about Global Warming, which, despite its consequences of a warmer Earth, lack of general survival of some species and a need to dyke some portions of planet Earth, including New York City, will eliminate further deluges. 


He further reminiscences about the name “Arafat,” the former Palestinian leader, who despite the incursion of the Jews onto their territory, attempted during his lifetime to encourage his people to negotiate a peace with the Jews, who after centuries of persecution topped off by the Holocaust, wanted a land of their own.


Mark’s third painting, which he created himself, is of multiple waterfalls surrounded by lush vegetation and large boulders, which further represents God’s grace in his life:  the  abundance available to him which he passes on or will pass on to others.


Mark has recognized that he has had some great days lately with success in water color painting and acquiring another outstanding painting.  He also planned and executed another hopefully successful meeting for his next club meeting, where he is personally guaranteeing payment of a $100 fee to a professor from a local university who will speak about the role of the US after the end of the Cold War.
As a writer, Mark has tapped into more energy since he began soliciting requests for literary contributions from others.  He is more able to be calm and peaceful, which is spurred forward by the love of his life seeing an excellent therapist and beginning to handle her daily situations more calmly.
Mark is still searching for reasons for his current incarnation, although he was told recently that with others he returns to planet earth every two thousand years to set the energy of the planet for the next two thousand years.  He does, however, have more frequent incarnations.


He sometimes chastises himself for “forever dreaming.”  The song, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” brings back both conscious and unconscious memories of the peace, love and beauty he experienced as a soul in “D zone,” or heaven.  But fortunately he remembers that the appreciation of peace, love and beauty are attributes of a soul that is able to reconcile the seemingly endless array of duties and opportunities open to him in his current existence.  In fact, the word “duty” highlights that he has not embraced all items of his existence as “opportunities.”


Many times he reflects upon the sacrifice he made by incarnating again.  There was at least one period in his life that the idea of reincarnation would have angered him, because his life was in so much torment (i.e., his traumatic early life and his struggles to complete his education).


To cope with day to day existence, he recognizes that classical music, a gift from God and present even in heavenly existence, makes his life joyful.


He realizes the great power that is derived through self-understanding.  He knows that he cannot do everything.  He realizes that he cannot save anyone, and to save himself from a life of torment he has had to learn and understand the reasons he is happy or sad. 


He consciously and subconsciously reflects upon the continuity of his life, from his childhood to and through the future, even though he knows that to be happy he must live in the moment.


He realizes that in some ways his life has been average.  Yet, because he sees value in his overall existence and his continually being able to grow in love in service, he rarely judges himself.


He is hopeful that he will reconcile himself to existing day to day without fear but with the joy of living. 


He continually seeks enlightenment to more fully utilize the “Law of Attraction,” or the words of Francisco Coll, that “You are what you think, not what you think you are.” 

Since Mark is older and wiser, he is more able to avoid mistakes (although by now he has learned to call them “learning experiences.”)


He cannot never say never.  Just this morning he attempted to walk his dog, and felt dizzy.  After several attacks of vertigo, where he lost total control of his ability to remain standing, he is respectful of the limitations of his physical body.  He sometimes feels that he should exercise more, but he realizes that even then he would have limitations and that by overexercising he could damage his physical body.


He is getting used to his forgetfulness and readily forgives himself.  He tries to remember that even making a joke of it by stating to others he is more forgetful because he is older is negative.


He realizes that he cannot hear too well, and must retain on his person a working hearing aid.


He realizes that he is still judgmental.  Fortunately he is able to forgive himself for being judgmental about needing “too much sleep”; of his fear of rejection; of his dog for exhibiting elements of lack of training (and himself for not spending more time training her); of the reckless driving of others, which includes tailgating and cutting off other drivers; and of the judgment of others.


Love and loving are very important components of Mark’s existence.  He remembers the joy he receives when he was able to hug the love of his life, his wife.  Fortunately she is not the only person he is able to hug.  He believes firmly that “a hug a day keeps the doctor away,” so some days he makes up for days of lack.


                                                                        David C. Hakim

                                                                        Rochester, Michigan

                                                                        2005 to May 30, 2007