An Explanation Of Happiness
(From "Happiness" in, originally written in 2004)
I would like to state what to me happiness is and is not: It is
not life forever filled with joy and peace, but one which includes
growth experiences through which we learn to control our emotions,
sometimes with help. It is when we trust guidance to assist us with our
needs and wants, and to inspire us toward the greater good, or to just
sing to us songs such as "On [with] the Wings of Eagles," "Cruising Down
the River on a Sunday Afternoon" and "I Will Row My Boat Merrily Along."
It is the ability to overcome the fear created by situations in life
affecting ourselves and/or others over which we have little control. It
is the knowledge that no matter what happens to us, God and His angels
are by our side, and we know that we can handle any situation that life
gives us. It is not the belief that someone else holds the key to
determining what is in our best interest, but our ability to know from
our inner guidance what is. It is not having wealth and power to control
our lives and others, but having enough abundance to meet the needs of
ourselves and those for whom we are responsible. And if we temporarily
do not have such abundance, both financial or otherwise, it is having
the fortitude with no false pride to ask for what we need. And if we do
have extra abundance, we have the willingness to assist those who don't.
David C. Hakim