Rejoice! Rejoice!
We Have
 A Choice To Carry On!

Welcome To David


When I look at the word, “Collaborate,” I must view it as if I were floating on a cloud and the word appearing to me casually, without pressure, as something I could but need not examine.  I won’t say that I never look at the word, “Collaborate.”  However, at present I am searching for ways to collaborate, to accomplish my goals. 

The word “Collaborate,” is not formidable, but it certainly is in that neighborhood for me.  When I look at the word, “Collaborate,” I see another:  “perfect”; both are great to strive for, but not desperately.  Nevertheless, I periodically attempt to collaborate to accomplish my goals.  For example, I must mention to individuals, groups and other organizations that I am willing to give speeches.  I am hopeful that with patience I will be able to work more toward achieving my goals of collaboration. When I examine the word “Collaborate,” I must remember the first law of the universe, to love myself.  I must remember that I am secure in my love of self, God, my angels, and humanity 

Collaboration would certainly advance my goals in life, but it sometimes appears to be a very painful word to look at.  When I examine my lifetime in the hereafter, I will examine more than the one word, “Collaborate.”   

To fulfill the terms of the word, “Collaborate,” I must expend energy to do so.  I must remember to ease up on myself when I am thinking of collaborating, or else I will feel much pressure. Time is not of the essence when I think of the word.  Life is not a trial:  I will not be hung at the end of it if I fail. 

                                    David C. Hakim

                                    Rochester, Michigan

                                    January 6, 2006