At this time I find it hard to write
about anyone passing on. Perhaps it is because I just reached my 70th
birthday on April 24th. However, I am in good health and doing everything
I can to hold my body and soul together.
I was fortunate to have chosen two
healthy people with few genetic and physical problems to create for me a
physical body. My father passed on in his seventies, my mother when she
was 89. And with therapy to overcome depression, I am looking
forward to many more years, years in which I continue to write and perhaps
publish a book.
But what can I say about the passing on
of Tom Alexander and Francisco Coll Sr.? That I loved both of them? That I
try not to miss them, but fortunately find myself tuning into their loving
energy? And seeing them as models for my life?
When I think of them, I must think of
the lines from "Desiderata:" "If you compare yourself with others, you may
become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater & lesser persons than
yourself." Their achievements were monumental!
Yet, I am basically happy with myself, with my own achievements. I believe when I do pass on to join those I love, I will have no real regrets but a feeling of joy at what I have accomplished. I know that Tom and Francisco both have joy from theirs.
Note: Tom and Francisco were
exemplary leaders in the Inner Peace Movement and the Americana
Leadership College (www.alcworld.com).
Rochester, Michigan