After 13 years of rejoicing in my God-given ability
to write, I am finally writing a “Forward”!
When I first began to devote much time to write, I did not have
in mind that I would create a website.
I first attempted to give vent to the encouragement given me by
my fellow searchers in the movements created by Dr. Francisco Coll (see
www.alcworld.com) to my
spontaneous oral pronouncements from spirit in the many classes I
attended with these like-minded souls with physical bodies.
My classmates realized their most important purpose for being on
planet Earth is to grow spiritually (I began attending lectures and
classes and taking spiritual profiles from leaders in the Americana
Leadership College in 1972). Those
were very happy moments, moments which I cherish and will cherish for
the rest of my life. I am
very happy when I am at the
I am not surprised to find this positive attitude
to be supported by research.
Many times Francisco stated that “You are what you think, not what you
think you are!” This is
supported by “The Secret,” which is written about in my links
Secret” and “Enjoy,”
A New Earth:
Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
by Eckhart Tolle (Penguin Group [paperback] (USA), 2008)
and Authentic Happiness by Martin E. P. Seligman, Ph.D. (Free
Press [a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc, paperback edition] New York,
N.Y., 2003), 9.
I am pleased to also include inspirational messages
and music written by others in this website (see, for example,
“Awareness of God” and
“Creation,” and the wonderful selections of music
and dance URL’s from YouTube in my link, “Music and Dance”).
Please send your selections to me at my email address of
(unfortunately, I cannot read any language other than English at this
While writing this forward and most of the body of this website I have and had no doubt that I am doing the right thing for myself for the moment: I am light-headed and my spirit is so filled with chills from my angels that I know I am doing the right thing at the right time for myself! I hope the reader gets as much pleasure from reading this website as I did in creating it with the power of spirit.
David C. Hakim
David Hakim was born in Detroit, Michigan on April 24, 1935.
After serving in the United States Army from February, 1958 through January, 1961, he completed his B.A. degree in Political Science in 1963 and a J.D. Degree in 1966 from Wayne State University.
He has been an an Attorney at Law for 41 years. From 1967 to 1971 he was an attorney for the Legal Aid Bureau of Detroit, from 1971 to 1984 he was an Attorney (Estate Tax) with the Internal Revenue Service, and from 1984 to the present he has been in private practice.
Mr. Hakim was Assistant Director of the Chaldean Federation of America from 1993 to 1995 and has been a self-employed grant writer for nonprofit organizations, one of which is the International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit.
Mr. Hakim is also the Chairperson and Founder of
Establishing a Safer Society, Inc. (TESS)" a nonprofit corporation.
“What It’s All About”
I am shortly going to attempt to publish this website in a book,
entitled “What It’s All About.”
Anthony Borgia in Life in the World Unseen
(Psychic Press LTD, London, 1981) states that discoveries made in spirit
are not passed on to us until we are ready (or you might say that God
will not pass on certain knowledge until we are ready for it).
My website is spiritually based and before publication each article
has been read by another to ascertain its spiritual relevance.
Rev. Estelle Minor, a contributor to this website for
“Who Made It Possible to Reap More” and a sharing in
“Awareness of God,” writes the following:
Thank you for giving me and others a venue for broadcasting what we have come to understand! Like a drum roll, you invite attention to the ideas of others.
Your role as encourager strengthened my belief
in the validity, even necessity, of investing more in the exercise of
Cheers to this web page for expanding Earth's consciousness!
David C. Hakim
Some selections on my website, www.davidhakim.com, mentioned at the ending of this paper refer to “Reincarnation” or other troubling doctrines. Simply explained, reincarnation is the belief that when a person passes on he or she may choose to return to planet earth, again in a human form.
No one is ever forced to reincarnate. In fact, if one chooses, he may never need to consider the doctrine or its implications.
For those who may be searching, references concerning reincarnation are found in the Bible, the principal one being the following (from
A cloud overshadowed them and a voice out of the
cloud declared: 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased;
listen to him" (Matthew 17:5). For the disciples, the event was further
confirmation that their Master was indeed the Son of God. But they also
remembered the teaching of the Scribes (presumably based on the prophecy
recorded in Malachi 4:5) that Elijah must come before the Messiah.
Hence, they, sought clarification from Jesus. They asked "Why do the
scribes say that first Elijah must come?" In answer, Jesus is reported
to have said:
But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they
did not know him, but did to him whatever they pleased (Matthew 17:12).
But I tell you that Elijah has come, and they did to
him whatever they pleased, as it is written of him (Mark 9:13).
The two statements are substantially the same. And
they show Jesus as confirming the truth of the prophecy that Elijah
would reincarnate, and stating that Elijah had, in fact, already
reincarnated. But Jesus does not reveal the identity of the reincarnated
Matthew goes on to add a statement that is not in
Mark: 'Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them of
John the Baptist" (Matthew 17:13). This is a repetition of the view of
the author of this Gospel that John the Baptist was a reincarnation of
Elijah (Matthew 11: 14 15). Matthew gives the impression here that this
view was also held by the three disciples - Peter, James, and John - who
were in the company of Jesus on the occasion of the Transfiguration.
Some of the selections that may cause difficulty to
the reader are the following:
The Awareness of the Presence of God
Christ and the Jews
I love you, my Lord….
David C. Hakim